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Guías metodológicas para el docente de Ciclo Básico/Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero/Tercer Grado/Session 1
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Autor Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala
Área Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero
Nivel y/o grado Básico 3er grado
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Tipo de licencia Derechos reservados con copia libre
Formato HTML; PDF
Responsable de curación Editor
Última actualización 2020/10/05

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Suggested time
3 periods


Student recognizes phrases and gestures related to sports that are popular in Guatemala.

Didactic resourcesEditar

  • Board
  • Dictionary
  • Graphic organizer charts
  • Newspaper or magazine cutouts
  • Notebooks
  • YouTube

Session 1, Period 1Editar

Initial PhaseEditar

qué necesitamos saber

Ask students if they usually watch or listen to the news. If they don't, elicit the name of a news outlet (newspaper, radio or tv news show, etc.). Make sure that all students are included.

trabajo en parejas

Have students ask each other their favorite source of news, or the source of news they are exposed the most. Model complete sentences:

My favorite (newspaper/ news radio or tv show) is ______. It is from _____.
I don’t like ______________ but I like (name of news outlet).
I can / can’t (read / hear / watch) it on the Internet.

Intermediate PhaseEditar

todo el grupo

Present to the class pictures from newspapers, magazines, or other sources of news that have happened recently. Include only positive news. Avoid showing political or grotesque content.

Form criteria inn the students regarding the credibility of a news outlet and what news is important to watch.

Point to each item and have the students say what they are about. Try to include new from Guatemala and other countries.

trabajo en equipo

In groups of four (4), students should discuss what the best source of news is, and what activities they usually report.

Key vocabulary: newscaster, camera operator, famous, media, newspaper, news show, podcast, blog, digital newspaper, digital radio, digital tv show.


Observe that the students are doing the activity. At this point, it is important for them to participate even if they can’t name all the characteristics of the media they obtain the news from.

If they don’t have a favorite news outlet, have them identify the characteristics of a newspaper or news outlet they consider popular in Guatemala.

Have students list the words they don’t know and have them look them up in a dictionary. Then help them form complete sentences. Provide patterns on the board.

Wrap upEditar

trabajo individual

Refer each student to the Student Book. Ask each student to list famous news outlets they know.

Ask the students to make a graphic organizer to compare formats, contents, and other aspects they consider important.

Formative assessment

Observe that the students are trying to understand the organizer. Go around the room and make yourself available if they do not understand the difference between the vocabulary items presented.

Use the following rubric

1 = student could not perform the task
3 = student performance was ok
5 = student performance was excellent

Note: Support yourself by using different kinds of news available over the internet when possible; encourage students to use printed or electronic dictionaries when available.

“What did we learn today?” Students should be able to produce simple sentences stating which their favorite news outlet is, or to use vocabulary related to newscasts and related terms.

Session 1, Period 2Editar

Initial PhaseEditar

trabajo en equipo

Activate Prior Knowledge: Divide the class into two groups. Ask each group to list as many news outlets as they can. Suggested time: 5 minutes. Name a score keeper.

Explain to stuents that they are going to play Pictionary. Have the two groups form a line or assign a number to each member. From the lists they have produced, they must draw on the board one of the section of the news outlets on the list without using any letters. The other team must guess what the news outlet and section is. Each turn should not exceed 30 seconds. If they do not guess, the next team gets the next turn.

Intermediate PhaseEditar

todo el grupo

Have Students listen to the soundtrack of the following video.

Have them identify the main idea and write down as many words as they can. Stop he audio at 4:21. Explain it is not a dictation, but rather an idea and word identification.

Wrap upEditar

Find the transcript for videos on YouTube by selecting the three dots.
trabajo en parejas

Now show the same video and have students match the letters with the sounds.

If it is not possible to show the video, have handouts printed from the transcript for the video.

Editor's note: to see the transcript select the three dots under the video and select “Open transcript”.

Session 1, Period 3Editar

Initial PhaseEditar

todo el grupo

Start the period by watching a video where an extraordinary event is taking place. For example, have them watch the first walk on the moon.

If you do not have access to video in class, you can watch the video first and use another option to present content, such as screenshot images of the video.

Ask students to write down the main idea from the event you select, as well as the news outlet's name. Have them describe the event they see.


Watch the video again if necessary and have students write short sentences, in chronological order, describing the events.

Intermediate PhaseEditar

trabajo individual

Direct students to the vocabulary they have written, and have them say it again, checking their pronunciation.

Wrap upEditar

trabajo en parejas

Ask students to think about the importance of the event they have seen. How can you tell this event was important?

trabajo en casa

Students should ask parents or guardians if they remember the day depicted in the news story you have presented in class. Have students write a short comment from the answers they receive.

Sistema social para expresar ideas y manifestarlas al prójimo. Este sistema existe dentro de un entorno social (sistema social) y un sistema lingüístico (ejemplos son el español, francés, k’iche’, kaqchikel, etc.) Tienen que existir ambos sistemas para que pueda existir la comunicación.