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Guías metodológicas para el docente de Ciclo Básico/Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero/Segundo Grado/Session 28
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Autor Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala
Área Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero
Nivel y/o grado Básico 2do grado
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Tipo de licencia Derechos reservados con copia libre
Formato HTML; PDF
Responsable de curación Editor
Última actualización 2020/09/11

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Suggested time
3 periods


There are certain moments that mark our lives. Usually they are accompanied by strong emotions that make these events unforgettable. Segundo Básico is a good time to think about those important moments. Happy, hurtful, sad and extremely joyful, they make us who we are.

Didactic resourcesEditar

  • Cardboard
  • Sheets of recycled paper
  • Google Translate
  • Dictionary
  • Notebooks
  • Other materials suggested by students

Session 28, Period 1Editar

Initial PhaseEditar

qué necesitamos saber

Tell students: “Today we will take time to reflect on the important days of our lives. You will produce a timeline indicating where the important events in your life are.”

Use the following video to provide students with an example. Repeat the video two or three times or as necessary.

Intermediate PhaseEditar

trabajo individual

Using their notebooks, students take notes on what a timeline is and how it can be presented.

Wrap upEditar

trabajo en casa

Students should ask parents or guardians about important events in their own lives that may not be aware of, such as when they started walking, talking, etc.

Session 28, Period 2Editar

Initial PhaseEditar

trabajo en parejas

Provide a few minutes for students to share their answers from homework.

Intermediate PhaseEditar

trabajo individual

Students start preparing their personal timeline. Encourage them to be as creative as possible.


Address any question regarding vocabulary or the chronological order of a timeline.

Wrap upEditar

todo el grupo

Session 28, Period 3Editar

Initial PhaseEditar

todo el grupo

Give students a few minutes to prepare their timelines for presentation.

Intermediate PhaseEditar

trabajo en parejas

Have students present their timelines in pairs. Provide students with a rubric so they can take notes and provide feedback to their partner after presenting. Facilitate the process and circulate. If some students volunteer to present to the whole class, allow them to do so. You decide what is best for your class.

Formative assessment

Check each timeline. Assign a grade as appropriate. Provide feedback in a positive way.

Sistema social para expresar ideas y manifestarlas al prójimo. Este sistema existe dentro de un entorno social (sistema social) y un sistema lingüístico (ejemplos son el español, francés, k’iche’, kaqchikel, etc.) Tienen que existir ambos sistemas para que pueda existir la comunicación.