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Guías metodológicas para el docente de Ciclo Básico/Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero/Segundo Grado/Session 13
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Autor Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala
Área Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero
Nivel y/o grado Básico 2do grado
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Tipo de licencia Derechos reservados con copia libre
Formato HTML; PDF
Responsable de curación Editor
Última actualización 2020/09/11

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Suggested time
3 periods


Telling activities in the past is an important part of the communication students must have. Telling one’s whereabouts, the day before is the main goal of this lesson.

Didactic resourcesEditar

  • Recycled sheets of paper
  • Google Translate
  • Dictionary
  • Notebooks

Session 13, Period 1Editar

Initial PhaseEditar

todo el grupo

Tell students they will try to find out their classmates’ whereabouts after the day before.

Intermediate PhaseEditar

trabajo en parejas

Write a set of question sentences asking where a person was the day before. The questions must be written in such a way that they can be part of a guessing game. Have them use dictionaries if necessary. Facilitate the process. Model some examples:

“Was this place near or far from school?”
“Were there many people on this place?”

Let them be creative and remind them to be respectful of other people's privacy.


Check that every pair has at least 3 questions.

Wrap upEditar

todo el grupo

Check that every pair has at least 3 questions.

Session 13, Period 2Editar

Initial PhaseEditar

todo el grupo

Provide a few minutes for students to gather up their questions.

Intermediate PhaseEditar

trabajo en equipo

Have two pairs of students work together so each pair will be asking questions to the others about their whereabouts the day before. Check the right use of the past tense.

Wrap upEditar

todo el grupo

Find out what the most mentioned place was. Write it on the board for students to copy in their notebooks.

Session 13, Period 3Editar

Initial PhaseEditar

todo el grupo

Have students watch the following video several times. The first time only play the sound. The second time play the video with sound but no captions. Then show a third time the video with the captions on.

Intermediate PhaseEditar

todo el grupo

Play the video again. Have students write down the main idea and the details on their notebooks. Provide them with generative questions if necessary. For example: What is the boy’s name? Was he telling the truth? Where did he say he was? What did the mother say? What expression did the young man use to present an excuse?

Sistema social para expresar ideas y manifestarlas al prójimo. Este sistema existe dentro de un entorno social (sistema social) y un sistema lingüístico (ejemplos son el español, francés, k’iche’, kaqchikel, etc.) Tienen que existir ambos sistemas para que pueda existir la comunicación.